1) Your house will never again be straight out of the magazine clean.
2) If you have a daughter, time you used to spend making yourself look cute will now be spent making her look cute.
3) You will at some point find yourself rocking and/or swaying when you are not holding your baby.
4) Poop and puke no longer become something gross...it's just everyday life. (ok, sometimes its still a little gross, but it doesn't phase you as much)
5) You will learn to clean your house in an hour during nap time, but the simple task of getting out of the house into the car will take you two hours.
6) If you have a Facebook page you will begin to see a trend of 95% of your posts are either of your baby or about babies and you won't care if that is annoying to others.
7) Paint your nails. Even if you haven't showered in 2 or 3 days it'll make you feel pretty. (probably won't help with the smell though so I recommend still trying to shower)
8) Do cute craft projects with your baby like hand and foot prints. They grow so fast, you'll be glad you did when you look back at them and remember how small they were.
9) Your baby can never get too many kisses.
10) Learn to be patient. Let the little things go and appreciate what you do have. Live for the unconditional love your child has for you.
You will add about a million other things to your list over the next 18 years but this is a good start