Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Three Months Time

Having a child makes you truly aware of time.  Time does not stop, it does not slow down, it keeps moving.  Most of the time faster than you want it to.  Everyday is new.  You will never relive yesterday.  Children grow.  They grow fast.  It's their rapid growth that makes you so aware of time unlike ever before.  Perhaps we have this heightened awareness of time because we suddenly want to freeze these moments and keep them forever. I wish I could take Abby's laughter and smiles and put them in a glass jar to keep, unaffected by time.  My life has a greater purpose now, to be her mother.  Each day I will do my best to make sure her life is all it can be.  So we will enjoy time, no matter how fast or slow it goes by for that is what I cherish most.  Time with Abby.
Happy 3 months little girl!  Mommy loves you!

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