Week 10
We've hit double digits!!! No more single digit weeks for this growing girl! This was Abby's last full week at home with Nana. I'm not sure who is having a harder time with that. Abby has developed quite the bond with Nana. I suppose spending half your life with one person can do that. Abby learns a lot being with Nana. They play everyday on her mat, in her musical chair, and even on the floor with all of Abby's friends.
Special Bond <3
Abby has been getting better and better at holding her head up. She is now holding it up when Daddy holds her upright in his lap. She still can't sit up on her own, but that's ok since she is only 2 1/2 months old. She is advanced, but not that advanced.
Abby's favorite toys right now are Monkey and Miss Monkey. (I know, super creative names Mommy. Meh...they work) Monkey is a little plush rattle Mommy bought before Abby was born. It was just really cute so for $2, why not! Abby is learning how to hold on to Monkey herself. She can grasp it for small periods of time and she shakes it around too. Well, really she is just moving her arm and the Monkey happens to be in her hand so it kinda happens by default, but I think it's all a part of learning. :)
Look at me hold Monkey all by myself!!! :)
Monkey's ears taste the best.
Meet Miss Monkey
Abby has become very fond of Miss Monkey. She now goes with us everywhere. She sleeps in Abby's lap on car rides and even plays peek-a-boo with Abby.
Monkey and all of Abby's friends like to take naps outside.
It's amazing how much more alert she is and how much she interacts with people. She is getting in much more play time during the day and sleeping well at night. She has been consistently ready for bed by 8 and finally goes to sleep by 9, sleeps until 3 when she wakes up to eat and then back to sleep until around 6:30. Looks like little one is starting to get into a night time routine. Her daytime routine is a little all over the place though. She has been eating every 2 hours, but sometimes she downs the milk and 45 minutes later she wants more. Then after that she might go 3 hours before she wants to eat again. We are still working an "on demand" feeding schedule with her. She is starting to eat more during some of her daytime feedings which Mommy thinks must be contributed to the fact she is eating less at night because she is sleeping. (YAY!) Whatever the reason, she sure does let you know when she is hungry. She goes from 0 to 100 in a second. She'll have to get used to waiting a few minutes to eat once she gets to daycare since there will be others there too. Abby will have to learn to be patient. (That's going to be interesting for her to learn....patience, what's patience?)
Abby starts her transition week at school (a/k/a daycare, but the academies down here refer to themselves as school since they are accredited. Imagine that, two months old and going to an accredited school already. Crazy) We will be bringing Abby to her new school to meet her teachers and get her used to the environment before just dropping her off there on her first day and leaving her for 10 hours. That to me seems a little drastic so Mommy is really happy they let you come in for a transition week and even better, they don't charge you!!! We'll start slow and increase the amount to time there each day so that by the time she starts full time on September 3rd she'll feel comfortable. I'm guessing this is going to be another one of those times that it is harder for Mommy than it is for Abby. Sigh....
Overall, Abby is still a very happy baby. She is getting stronger and more alert everyday. She loves to play and talk to anybody that will listen. She tells great "stories" and when she is tired she is the best cuddler ever. She is really starting to show her personality and let me tell you something...I think Mommy and Daddy are going to have their hands full with this little girl. :)
Smiles :)
Devilish eyes....gonna be trouble this one...
Oh yeah, I made a new friend this week too!!! Meet my new bear! Mommy's boss at work got her for me. It was really nice of him and his wife. :) She is wicked (yes, Abby although born in Georgia is a New England girl and will learn terms like "wicked") soft and cuddly. I've haven't decided on a name for her yet so right now Mommy just calls her "Other Bear". Again, not too creative with the names, but I'll work with Mommy on that. ;)
hahaha love this. and of course all the animals need names!