Thursday, June 27, 2013

Abby: Week 1


Abby is now officially a week old! (ok, well at this point she is technically a week and a half old, but Mommy has found that you can plan to get things done on a certain day, but that may or may not happen).  We've had a very exciting first week.  It is amazing all of us how much she has changed in such a small amount of time.  She is really responding and interacting with us when she is awake and already lifting her head and holding it for a few seconds at a time.  My strong little girl!!  She is such a happy baby.  She really doesn't cry all that much.  She just fusses to tell us she needs to be changed or she is hungry.  Other than that she just likes to make squeaking noises which we find adorable (obviously!)  It is incredible how our lives have changed so much already.  My entire day revolves around her schedule of feeding and changing and spending time talking and making faces with her when she is awake.  The days are already going by way too fast!  For this first week, I could type out everything, but I think I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...(and we have a ton of!!!)

Proud parents in the moments after she was born

Meeting Nana Rose and Uncle Kevin

First time Skyping with Auntie Sherri and Cousins Bailey and Maddie
(Abby has now become a pro at Skyping)

More Skyping....

Meeting "Auntie" Missy and "Auntie" Sarah (Abby's Georgia family)

Hanging out in the hospital for a few days....

Arriving at home for the first time!!!

Meeting your brothers Sawyer and Willow...they are still not sure what to think of you.

A little tummy time

Daddy and Abby time....

Mommy and Abby time...

Hanging out with Nana and Uncle Kevin

First Family Photo

This first week has been absolutely amazing! We are so in love with our little girl.  People always tell you how "your lives will be changed forever" and they emphasize the lack of sleep and how you now do everything for your child and put yourself second.  That's true, but what they don;t tell you is how overjoyed you are going to be.  That sometimes in the quiet of the night you'll be staring at your baby amazed you created this life and at the same time hoping you don't screw this up.  The instant love and sense of protection you feel for this tiny human is something I've never felt before, but at the same time feels so natural.  Daddy and I could not be happier!  We love you little girl, more than you will ever understand!!  Happy First Week Abby!!!

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