Abby Mae: Week 2
(Mom, I'm bored of these pictures with this bear already...)
WOW, Week 2!!!! I can't believe how fast time is going. Not only can't I believe it's already been two weeks, I also can't believe it's already 4:45 pm!! Where do the days go?!? I've been finding that I get up in the morning and feel like before I know it it's time to go to bed, but the kicker is I don't think I really did much of anything!! Suppose I should just get used to it. :)
This week we had our ups and downs with sleeping at night. She is averaging about 2-3 hours between feedings which is good, but there have been a couple nights when Abby will eat and then stay up between feedings at night. Nana says we should try flipping her. And yes, literally flipping her is what she means. It's an old wives tale that apparently helps to get babies that have their nights and days mixed up. I'm still not sure I buy into it, but hey, as long as the "flipping" doesn't hurt her I'm fine if Nana wants to try it.
Abby had a few "firsts" this week. She had her first real bath!! Her umbilical cord fell off so a few days later we decided to give her a real bath. She had mixed emotions about it. I think if anything she just didn't know what was going on and it probably didn't help that she felt cold. She quieted right down when I took the warm wet wash cloth and put it over her.
We put her in her Winnie the Pooh towel for Nana. Nana loves Winnie the Pooh. Once Abby was all wrapped up she managed to find her thumb again. She's done this a few times now. She is not big on pacifiers (which is awesome!), but occasionally she likes to suck on her thumb. This doesn't surprise me since we got pictures of her doing this when she was still in Mommy. :)
Another "first" for Abby was taking her first trip out into the world (that was not a doctor's appointment). My only apology to her is that it was to Walmart. :( Sorry about that kid, you'll learn to appreciate the ridiculousness of Walmart when you are older. We would have taken you to Target, but Walmart was closer and had cheaper photo prints.
We spent some quality time outside this week too. The weather wasn't too bad and there was a breeze so we decided to eat dinner outside and then hang out for a while. Mommy got in some good cuddle time on the patio.
A big "first" for Abby was meeting her Papa John (no, not the pizza guy...) for the first time. Papa John arrived on Sunday and couldn't wait to meet his first granddaughter. Daddy and Nana went to the airport to drop off Uncle Kevin and pick up Papa John while Abby stayed home with Mommy. Mommy and Abby managed to time things perfect for Papa John's arrival. Go us! We managed to get in her feeding and change her diaper just in time for the three of them to walk through the door. Abby was wide awake to meet her Papa for the first time.
More time cuddling with Papa John
For only two weeks old Abby is very alert and likes "talking" with you. She doesn't really talk, but more of making faces at you as you talk to her, but she manages to concentrate on looking at you during this time. She is growing up so fast! We had a lot of time to chat this past week. I hope that continues as she gets older and she always has time to sit and chat with her mom. :)
Her brothers are getting used to her more and more each day. I think they are beginning to understand that she is not going anywhere. Willow has actually made contact with her now which is great. Sawyer made an attempt this morning to sniff her while she was sleeping. It's a huge accomplishment for him to be anywhere near her. I'm proud of my boys. :) Now, if I can just get Sawyer to stop jumping in her pack n' play.
Overall, it's been a good week. We have her two week check up to go to tomorrow. We'll find out if she has gained more weight. My super scientific way of determining her weight gain (I stepped on the scale without her and then again with her in my arms...) told me she is back up to her birth weight of 9 lbs 2 oz (just in case you forgot....I surely didn't....oye) from where she was at her last visit, 8 lbs 5 oz. It'll be interesting to see if my super scientific way is correct or not. So here is to a great week and hoping they continue on this path. I'm so amazed at how quickly she is growing. I'm really enjoying every minute I have with her, but I still wish we could bottle this feeling up and freeze time to keep her this cute and little forever!! Well, only if we could adjust just one little thing...she sleeps through the night, every night. :)
Ready for week three update!