Saturday, June 1, 2013

37 Weeks...and we may have heard the word "induce"

37 Weeks and she's dropping.....

First a follow up to my last post.  I feel like this past week was so incredibly busy!  Last Saturday we went to our friends son's 2nd birthday party.   Perfect weather for an outdoor BBQ.  It was nice to get out of the house and relax with friends.  Before the rest came the cake.  I managed to get done (only with the help of my friend Christine) Brayden's Thomas the Train cake.  It came out pretty good.  Doug and Missy seemed to like it and more importantly, the kids liked it. :)  I get my passion for making cakes from my mom.  While decorating the cake at 7:30 am I was wondering if my mom had ever decorated a cake at 37 weeks pregnant.  Go me!!!

After the birthday party I decided to relax for the rest of the weekend.  We did a little grilling with friends at our place followed by some chocolate fondue.  Probably the best idea ever!!  (So much for the "be aware of what you are eating" speech I get at every appointment.  Apparently Abby was speaking louder than my doctor.)  I figure at this point, there isn't a whole lot I can do.  The weight thing is what it is.  I'm still trying to eat healthy and not snack as much, but lately I've had a major sweet tooth.  I feel I shouldn't deny myself or Abby when the craving kicks in.  It keeps everybody happy! :)

So moving on from the sweets...Nick and I attended our car seat inspections this week.  It was good we went.  I must say, of all the years I have put car seats into different cars, I was surprised to learn a couple of things.  It just gives me the piece of mind knowing Abby will be safe.  So now I'm driving around with a car seat in the back all strapped in just waiting for a baby to go in it.  It's so weird to glance in the rear view mirror and see the seat sitting there.  Just one more thing that is making this all seem so real.

We managed to get Abby's room finally finished.  Nick put up the shelf and letters which was really all we were waiting on for the room to be complete.  I'm happy with it.  For now, it's just pretty and waiting for Abby, but once we actually start using it I'll take out the bumper and stuffed animals, but for now, they can live there.  

Quick side note: the blanket draped over the back of the crib is extremely special to me.  My grandmother passed away just before we learned we were pregnant.  Shortly before she passed away, she gave that blanket to my mother and asked her to finish off the ends for her.  My grandmother had made several blankets and hats for the babies at the hospital for as long as I could remember.  She never gave these to my mother, but this particular one she decided to give to my mother.  She passed away shortly after.  It wasn't until we had our gender reveal party and found out we were having a girl that my mom broke down on the phone and told me about the pink blanket Grammie had made just before she passed.  It was the last blanket she ever made and it was pink.  I started to bawl on the phone because there are just some things in life you can't explain.  To me, it was like my grandmother knew we were going to have a girl.  It was her way of saying congratulations and I'll be watching over her.  ( before I start bawling again, I'll move on)

So back to this week.  Overall, feeling pretty good, but had a few moments throughout the week which had me convinced we were not going to make it to the due date.  We finally made it to the 29th which means my short term disability will kick in now that I've officially been at work for a year.  Seems trivial, but knowing I'll get paid for maternity leave is a huge relief for me.  I'm still experiencing BH contractions, but haven't reached a point where I should be concerned.  Still uncomfortable at night and waking up at 3 am every morning to pee.  (can't wait until that stops although I'm sure it'll just be replaced by feedings and diaper changes)  I had my appointment on Thursday for my routine 37 week check up and that whole day I had been experiencing BH, but in addition to that I was feeling more cramp like pain.  Of course, nervous me instantly thought it was more than it really was.  I figured I would mention it to my doctor, but by the time my appointment came around the pain had stopped so I wasn't as worried.  (I still mentioned it, but as I thought, nothing to be worried about).  As the nurse took my blood pressure and weight all I could think about was the BBQ, birthday cake, fondue and figured I would yet again be getting the "be aware of what you are eating" speech.  To my surprise I lost a pound!  No speech for me!!!  YAY!!!  Instead, the belly was measured and her heart rate was checked and then the doctor checked her position again (just by feeling my belly)  She asked how big Nick and I were and I think I confirmed what she was thinking.  I told her Nick was 9+ lbs and I was 8lbs 6oz she said "yeah, I think she is going to be a big baby".  Great.....because I'm not nervous enough about having to deliver, let's add the thought of delivering a "big" baby.  Sigh.  After feeling Abby's position and telling me she was big she decided we should do an ultrasound at my next appointment to see if we can get an estimate on just how big she is.  If my doctor thinks she's big enough and healthy, they might induce me a week early.  

So here we are, still having no idea when she is coming, if I'm going to be induced early, if I can get everybody to wait until the 17th for Nana Rose to get here or if I'm just going to have to put my big girl pants on and get through it without mom there.  So much anxiety.  Trying to distract myself with other projects so that I don't think about it too much.  I'm a big planner.  I don't like the fact I don't have any control over this.  I'm just along for the ride really and that's hard for me to do.  In the end, I just want Abby and myself to be safe and have a good delivery so however that has to happen is fine with me.  Today I finished getting everybody's hospital bags packed, just in case.  I'm not sure when she is going to come, but at this point, even I don't think we are going to make it to her due date on the 21st.  

The only other thing that has really got me thinking this week is the fact that it's so close.  I've finally reached this point where you become totally used to the pregnancy and they idea of this tiny human inside you, but now we are so close to the reality of holding her, seeing her, taking care of her and it all seems so unreal.  Reality of actually having a tiny little human that totally depends on you for everything in my arms in only a couple of weeks is blowing my mind. Obviously I knew this would eventually happen and I'm so ready and excited, the reality just hasn't hit yet.  I'm assuming it probably won't until I get to hold her that first time.  Oh come the tears......but in all seriousness, this has been such a roller coaster of emotions and to think phase one is almost complete.  It's a lot to take in.  I'll just have to keep sitting here in anticipation until the big day.  


  1. ok so thanks for making ME cry too! gosh, that blanket... amazing.
    i totally understand your anxiety and the whole "not knowing" thing when youre a planner... yeah it really sucks. but youre gonna do fine, big baby or not. our bodies were meant to do this and its the most amazing thing ever. trust me. im SO excited for you, and your nursery is gorgeous!!

  2. The cake was awesome!!! You do such an amazing job each and every time and I know B loved it so much!! Thank you again for doing that!
