Sunday, August 18, 2013

Abby Week 8

Week 8

Week!  Mommy has been back to work for two weeks now.  I think I subconsciously messed up the weeks from the last blog because I didn't want to think about going back to work. Actually, it's just hard to keep the weeks straight when I don't get them posted each week because technically Abby turns a week older at the end of the week that I write about.  For instance, today is Sunday the 18th.  She turns 9 weeks tomorrow, but technically I'm writing about what happened the week before which is during her 9th week, but she is still 8 weeks.  Does that make sense?  I think I just confused myself even more.  

Regardless, Mommy went back to work on the 5th.  It was horrible.  I knew I would have a hard time, but I think I just cried for the first hour at my desk.  Luckily I have my own office and I get there before everybody else, but I still had co-workers coming by throughout the day saying "Hey, you're back!  How are you doing?" which would trigger my eyes to start watering.  That first day was tough, but Nana helped by sending me a couple of pictures.  Well, actually, I got the pictures and started crying again, but it was a nice gesture.

So most of my week consisted of being at work, not working.  I spent more of my time looking at pictures of Abby, videos of Abby and even Skyped during my lunch break a couple of days.  Nana brings Abby outside in the garage with the door up waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get home.  I think that first day home I grabbed my bags from the car and ran to her, dropped them and scooped her up.  Each day has gotten a little easier, but it's still difficult to be away from her.  Especially now that she is really beginning to interact with us.  She is much more talkative, playful and expressive.  Here are some examples of her "expressions"...  

When Mommy and Daddy get home Abby likes to sit and tell us all about her day.  She goes on and on talking, smiling and laughing.  It's the best part of my day.  :)  I have a video to post, but I seem to be having trouble getting it to upload.  I'll keep working on that and try to update later.

Even though Mommy had a pretty rough week, Abby had a great week with Nana.  Those two are like peas and carrots (a little Forrest Gump reference).  I'm so glad Nana is here to take care of her.  It's really been great for Abby.  Not to mention it has helped Mommy adjust to being at work all day.  I know she is safe and happy at home with somebody she knows.  I'm sure the day I have to bring her to daycare will be a rough one too.  Not only will Abby be in a new environment, but Mommy won't be able to call and get photos of her throughout the day.  Boo. :(  But let's not rush things.  We have a few more weeks until that has to happen.

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