Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Abby: Week 5

Week 5

Well here we are at 5 weeks old.  The beginning of the week was fairly uneventful.  Mommy and Abby just hung out around the house.  However, Abby officially turned one month old this week!  

Hey everybody!  I'm a month old today!

We did get in a couple walks this week, one was even with Daddy.  We are really happy to live in a neighborhood that has so many nice side streets to walk on.  It wasn't until the end of the week that things got exciting!  This week Abby was introduced to more family!!  It was now Daddy's side of the family coming to visit.  Grampie Chris, Auntie Sherri and cousins, Bailey and Madison all arrived on Thursday afternoon.  They were so excited to finally meet little Abby.  The girls immediately ran into the house looking for her and as soon as they saw her it was, "can I hold baby Abby?"  So they did just that.  Madison is 4 and Bailey is 5, but when they were holding Abby it seemed like Abby was half their size!!  (That's my little chunky baby!) Here are the introductions to Daddy's side of the family.

 Meeting Madison

 Meeting Bailey

 Meeting Grampie

 Meeting Auntie Sherri

 Bailey lovin' on her cousin.  She loves to just sit and watch Abby.  She always tells me how cute she thinks Baby Abby is.  

Of course with a 4 year old and 5 year old you need to find things to keep their attention.  As cute as Abby is, they are not going to sit and look at her all day so while Auntie Sherri got in some snuggle time with Abby, Mommy decided to be a good Auntie Rachel and we had a makeover.  This is what happens when you let a 4 and 5 year old give you a makeover....yeah....this really happened.

 And then to top it off, Bailey felt I needed my hair done too.  I think it really completed the look, don't you think?

 After taking a trip upstairs to remove the wonderful makeover face, my little helper Bailey and I made brownies.

On Friday we had a HUGE day for Abby.  We knew the girls were going to go to Legoland when they came to visit, but we originally thought Abby and Mommy would stay home.  After talking it over with Daddy we decided to all make the trip.  Mommy was a little nervous about the length of time we would be away from the house, as this was our first big outing, but Abby was great.  We left the house around 11:30 and first hit up a yard sale in the neighborhood.  We snagged three outfits, two picture frames for Abby's room and four books all for $7.50!  Mommy loves yard sales!  Then it was off to Legoland!  But first, some morning snuggle time with Grampa. <3

Back to Legoland!!

Seemed like the girls had a great time there. :)

Abby got to try out her sling, harness, thing (Mommy has not idea what it is really called.  Let's just call it awesome.)  She loved it. 

 As usual, she slept.  We were all really surprised.  There were a hundred screaming children running around in Legoland and Abby could care less.  She was comfy and cozy with Daddy all afternoon.  I think Daddy liked it as much as Abby did.

 After Legoland we grabbed lunch at Johnny Rockets. 

Even Abby got her lunch.

After a long day at Legoland and Johnny Rockets, we started our trip back home only to put that on hold so we can make a last minute stop at Walmart to grab some toys for the girls to play with back at the house.  What we thought would be a short trip turned into another hour, but Abby handled it like a champ!!  After a long day like that she still had some energy to play for a bit on the floor. 

Another "first" for Abby!! One of the things Mommy decided to get was a little pool for Abby.  Abby LOVES to take a bath so we thought she would probably enjoy a pool.  We also thought it would be easier to play in this pool at home instead of hiking down to the big pool which is crowded.  Maybe we'll try that next year when she is older.  For now, Abby LOVES her pool.  Here is Abby taking her first dip in her pool. 

Hmmmm, I'm wet, but it's not bad

Kick, Kick, Kick!!!

Laughing and and kicking in the pool

Cousin Madison showing Abby how to splash

So content in her pool.  She is going to take after Mommy and live in the pool during the summers. :)

It was fun spending time with Daddy's side of the family.  We got to do so many new and fun things.  Before they all left to go back home we got some good snuggle time in.  Looks like Bailey really loves her cousin. She can't wait until we go to Maine for Thanksgiving so she can play more with Abby. 

Last day snuggles with Grampie

One other little exciting thing happened this week.  Mommy keeps up with her friend's blog and saw how her friend's son has "A new babysitter".  Her friend wrote about how much her son loved this toy.  He seems to be quite the little kicker, which is what little Miss Abby likes to do as well so Daddy and Mommy decided to get the same toy for her.  It came in today and of course we had to test it out.  She seemed to kind of like it, but then again she was also trying to poop so she was a little preoccupied at the time.  I'm sure when she is more awake and ready to play she will love it!  We'll update on that again later. 

This was a fun and very eventful end to the week.  Abby is growing more and every day!  I'll leave you this week with a photo of Abby and her best friend Bear.


  1. I love these posts and the pictures...such a great mom! :)

  2. im so glad you got the piano! i love all of the bright colors, and its great for them to kick the keys! :) the animals are almost hitting henrys face now though haha. and i love the makeover pics!

    1. She loves the piano. She really started to get the hang of it yesterday. I love watching her have so much fun playing with it! Thanks again for sharing it. It was totally worth the money.
