Thursday, June 27, 2013

Abby: Week 1


Abby is now officially a week old! (ok, well at this point she is technically a week and a half old, but Mommy has found that you can plan to get things done on a certain day, but that may or may not happen).  We've had a very exciting first week.  It is amazing all of us how much she has changed in such a small amount of time.  She is really responding and interacting with us when she is awake and already lifting her head and holding it for a few seconds at a time.  My strong little girl!!  She is such a happy baby.  She really doesn't cry all that much.  She just fusses to tell us she needs to be changed or she is hungry.  Other than that she just likes to make squeaking noises which we find adorable (obviously!)  It is incredible how our lives have changed so much already.  My entire day revolves around her schedule of feeding and changing and spending time talking and making faces with her when she is awake.  The days are already going by way too fast!  For this first week, I could type out everything, but I think I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves...(and we have a ton of!!!)

Proud parents in the moments after she was born

Meeting Nana Rose and Uncle Kevin

First time Skyping with Auntie Sherri and Cousins Bailey and Maddie
(Abby has now become a pro at Skyping)

More Skyping....

Meeting "Auntie" Missy and "Auntie" Sarah (Abby's Georgia family)

Hanging out in the hospital for a few days....

Arriving at home for the first time!!!

Meeting your brothers Sawyer and Willow...they are still not sure what to think of you.

A little tummy time

Daddy and Abby time....

Mommy and Abby time...

Hanging out with Nana and Uncle Kevin

First Family Photo

This first week has been absolutely amazing! We are so in love with our little girl.  People always tell you how "your lives will be changed forever" and they emphasize the lack of sleep and how you now do everything for your child and put yourself second.  That's true, but what they don;t tell you is how overjoyed you are going to be.  That sometimes in the quiet of the night you'll be staring at your baby amazed you created this life and at the same time hoping you don't screw this up.  The instant love and sense of protection you feel for this tiny human is something I've never felt before, but at the same time feels so natural.  Daddy and I could not be happier!  We love you little girl, more than you will ever understand!!  Happy First Week Abby!!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Hun...I think my water broke!" - Abby's Delivery Story

It was 4 am on Monday morning when I felt something that just wasn't "right".  I half thought I was peeing myself and half thought....could this really be it....did my water just break?"  It wasn't like the movies where there was a big gush of water, but more of a trickle and the sensation that I just peed my pants.  By the time I made it to the bathroom it was clear to me that this was my water breaking, but there was still a part of me that didn't believe it. I mean, I was scheduled to go into the hospital in just three days to have this happen and it's going to happen now instead.  I knew it!!  I told you that as soon as we set that silly induction date Miss Abby would show us all and come early!  I quietly and calmly whispered to Nick "Hunny, I think my water broke."  His response was "oh, ok."  It's amazing how clam we both were about it.  You know, like it was no big deal.  I was thinking about going to work today, but you know, maybe I'll have a baby big deal. :)

So after calling the Dr. we headed into the hospital.  My contractions hadn't really started yet so I was still feeling pretty good.  I managed to call and wake up Nana Rose and told her she should probably start looking to get on an earlier flight down here, b/c I didn't think she would be making it on time getting in at 9:30 pm.  (So yes, Abby technically waiting until the 17th for Nana Rose to get here, but only sorta.  I think I forgot to tell her to wait until that night...not 4 am!)

the calm before the storm...

So we managed to get to the hospital and get settled into our deliver room (which was huge!).  I was comfortable for the most part and just full of anticipation and anxiety about what was going to take place in the next several hours.  Our nurses were AMAZING!! I loved them so much and seriously couldn't see myself getting through it without them.  But that is jumping ahead....back to the waiting game.  Daddy and I just really sat around in the delivery room waiting....and waiting....and waiting.  

Daddy just hanging out on G+ waiting for something...anything to happen.  But he's good and ready with his "I'm the Daddy" scrubs on!!

Abby and I were of course being monitored so at one point the nurse came in and asked me to lay on my left side and then proceeded to give me oxygen just because there were some minor dips in her heart rate.  Monica (our nurse) said it was nothing to be too worried about, it just seemed that Abby didn't like me being on my back and the oxygen was just to help us both out.  Oxygen masks are very fashionable...don't you think?

After a little while on my side and getting some oxygen, Monica decided we were doing much better.  It was time for my IV and Pitocin.  (My doctor apparently wanted to get this show on the road!  She was only on call from 8 am to 8 pm so she was determined to have this baby before then.  I was about 1 cm when we started the Pitocin.  It certainly helped to get my contractions going.  They started gradually as Daddy watched the little yellow line on the monitor create these fun little hills every time I was having one.  He would check the monitor and then check my face to see how intense it was.  There wasn't much in the way of entertainment in the room besides the local traffic report which was a shit usual.  After a little while and a dose of pain meds later...they became more and more intense and started to come about every 4 minutes.  I found myself not being able to listen to what anybody was saying to me as I just tried to concentrate on breathing and getting through it.  I think at one point Nick was trying to be helpful during one of them and started to rub my back....yeah....wasn't helpful.  He got the "don't touch me" and when he tried rubbing my shoulders again...."don't touch me".  He got the hint.  ;)  After it passed I turned to him and just gave him a smile which meant "I'm sorry, I love you".  He knew.  Once they began to really kick in, Monica had come back and said I could have more pain meds or an epidural.  I think I took all of about 2 minutes to say I'll do the epidural.  The epidural was not my favorite experience, but it was well worth it.  It was uncomfortable and a little painful especially getting it the same time you are trying to work through contractions, but maybe that was a good distraction from the pain of the giant needle going into my back.  Meh....all I knew is once it was over I was on cloud 9.  I didn't feel a thing.  I managed to sleep for a bit on my side through contractions that were about double the intensity I had been feeling prior to the epidural.  This continued for an hour or so and then the nurses (at this point it was shift change so my new nurse, Christine, was there to help and take over) changed my position to sitting up, hoping to allow gravity to help get things going.  I had no control over my motor skills below the waist.  The nurses asked if I could roll over on my back and I literally couldn't tell if I was actually moving.  It was quite comical.  No movement came from sitting up so onto my right side with my left leg up in the stirrup was their next move.  Apparently that was the position because I began to feel my contractions.  (and by feel I mean I felt the slightest pressure, no pain at all)  Now that I was feeling the pressure they decided to check me again.  I was at 8 cm and they said they could feel Abby coming down.  My doctor and my nurse were really surprised it was happening this fast.  (and so was I to be honest).  I was told "You'll be pushing in an hour".  HUH, Wait, what.....this is really happening???? in baby is coming.....soon.....crazy!!  So they got me into position (the nurses had to physically move my legs and put them up in stirrups because I literally couldn't move them.) in position the Dr. said we would try pushing to see how long she thought it would take me.  Christine guided me through pushing and after my first attempt my doctor said it would be a while and decided to go check on a couple of other patients....well Abby sure showed her!! I think we made it through about 4 or 5 more contractions with pushing before Christine told me to stop so she could call Dr. Taylor back in b/c Abby was crowning.   Christine had me put my hand down there to feel Abby's hair.  That was really crazy, but oddly amazing.  Then later she decided it would be fun to walk a giant standing mirror by me so I could see her little head beginning to crown.  Dr. Taylor came in and people were getting things all set up for Abby's arrival and away we went!!  Over the next 3 or 4 contractions I was able to push Abby's head out and Dr. Taylor told me to stop pushing and she did the rest and as I sat there with my head still down and eyes closed concentrating on my job I hear Dr. Taylor, Christine and Nick all say "open your eyes!  Look up!" and as I did there she was!!  Instant tears!  There was our precious little girl we have been waiting so long to meet.  Our daughter was finally here and I heard the one thing I had been waiting so long for...her first cry.  They she was put on my chest and Nick and I just couldn't believe it.  He hugged me and kissed my forehead and told me "we did it baby....there she is"  (here I go again....tearing up just reliving this moment)  

So that was that.  25 minutes of pushing later (yes, you read that right....25 minutes of pushing....I was basically a rock star) and we were finally saying hi to our little girl.  

Abby getting checked out.  Daddy didn't leave her side the whole time.  

So as all this is going on at the hospital, Nana Rose and Uncle Kevin had been frantically trying to get to Atlanta.  They originally found an earlier flight which was supposed to get them in at 12:30, but due to mechanical issues with the plane and then being bumped to a flight headed to NY then to ATL with an unexpected delay in NY causing their flight to not get into ATL until 5:30, they got to the hospital at about 6 pm.  Nana was a little disappointed that she missed the birth, but once she saw Abby in my arms the waterworks started again for both of us and she was over the moon just to be there holding her new granddaughter.  Uncle Kevin was pretty excited too (although he was running on about 6 hours of sleep in three days due to his graduation, project graduation, white water rafting, and having to unexpectedly get up at 4 am to start traveling to GA which ended up taking them 12 hours)

Uncle Kevin and Abby

Over the next couple of days in the hospital we began to experience a bit of what life was going to be like from now on.  Sleepless!!  We finally learned on the second night to send Abby to the nursery for a few hours in between feedings so that Daddy and I could get a little rest.  We had a couple visitors, including Monica our original nurse!  We were just so amazed at our little girl.  We both felt we could just sit and stare at her for hours.  And at times, we did just that.

How can you not LOVE that face!!

Daddy and Abby

By Wednesday we were SO ready to head home.  Nana Rose and Uncle Kevin were waiting for us back at the house and we just couldn't wait to sleep (or at least lay down in) our own bed again.  And I couldn't wait to have real food again!!!  (side note....this was my first ever stay in a hospital....let's just say the food was less than stellar.)  As wonderful and the staff was at the hospital, we were impatiently waiting, counting down the minutes in our room until they would let us leave.  Daddy had the room packed up and we sat staring at the clock waiting until we hit 4:11 pm (which is when Abby turned 48 hours old and they would let us leave) so we could start heading out.  Our day nurse was impressed with how organized we were for first time parents.  

So off we went (in the middle of the afternoon rush hour commute....yeah....thanks for that Abby.  Daddy almost had a stroke driving you home in that traffic.  Because it wasn't nerve racking enough to have to drive you home for the first time, but you waiting to be born during the rush hour just to see how much stress Daddy could handle.  ;)  In all honesty, Daddy did great and it wasn't long before we were home.

Abby Mae Veinot

Introducing Miss Abby Mae Veinot
Born June 17, 2013 at 4:11 p.m.
9 lbs 2 oz
21 inches 

Looking at Daddy

First family photo

Personality already! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

39 Weeks...Home Stretch!!!!


Yes, I know, my eyes are closed and probably not the greatest picture, but I still like it.  39 WEEKS!!!!  Crazy.  So yesterday was a pretty full day of baby overload.  I went to my appointment and surprisingly had another ultrasound.  The tech seemed surprised to see me too.  She asked "didn't I just see you?"  followed by, "do you know why they want you to have another ultrasound?"  My answers being "yup" and "nope".  I think the annoying woman who was scheduling my appointment from last week messed things up.  There really was no need for another ultrasound so close to the last one.  Regardless, we did one anyway!  A week after the first one and Abby was now measuring (their best estimate) 8 lbs 5 oz.  Only a gain of 1 oz in a week....phew!!!  An ounce I can handle.  Let's hope it stays that way this week too.  And to top it off, I lost another pound!  To date, I've gained a total of 34 lbs.  I think that's not too bad.  I'm on the high end of what they wanted me to gain, but hey, at least I stayed within the range! :)  It probably doesn't help when you are making desserts like this...

Daddy found a recipe and of course we had to make it!  Chocolate chip cookies, Oreo cookies, and Brownie on top.  Yeah, it's pretty dangerous.  

So back to our busy baby day!  After the ultrasound I met with my doctor who checked me out and told me I'm not dilated.  However, Abby was doing fine.  She still has enough fluid around her and her heart rate was great.  My blood pressure was still normal so no signs of major concern.  They still don't want me to go past my due date because of her size so before I knew it we were setting an induction date.  I know in my head at the end of this process you end up having a baby, but when they start to give you an actual date and tell you that you will be holding your child by this time next week...well, lets just say its surreal.  I am so excited!!  

So now we start our countdown!!  As long as Abby doesn't decide to make a surprise appearance ahead of time (which let's face it people, she's my daughter...anything could happen.  She is going to have to be the center of attention and what better way to start that off then by coming early after her doctor has set a date. She'll show us all!) we are scheduled to go into the hospital on Wednesday night to get settled in and hooked up to monitors and stuff.  Then, they plan on inducing me early Thursday morning.  So if all goes well we could be holding our little girl by Thursday afternoon or evening!!  CRAZY!!!!  Daddy and I are so excited!

So after that big news....we had our breastfeeding class that night which was being held at my doctor's office (which for reference, is right next door to the hospital.  This will be good to know for later.)  It started at 5:30 and all was going well until we started getting emergency alerts on our phones about the severe thunderstorm rolling through with tornado warnings in an area about 5-10 minutes from our house.  My friend, who lives just down the street from us, was texting us to check in and see how we were doing and we let her know we were down by the hospital at a class.  She told us to stay there and not try to come home yet because the storm was so bad.  She could barely see the neighbors house b/c the rain and wind was so strong.  Just after we got that message, a man working at the building we were in came into our class and spoke to the instructor.  Turns out, they had just issued a tornado warning and we could hear the sirens going off.  Just as our instructor was letting us know about the warnings the power went out.  So here we are, a bunch of pregnant women and their husbands all sitting in a room with nothing but the emergency lights on, talking about breast milk and breastfeeding, waiting to see what happens.  The instructor insured us that we were safe in this room and I made sure to assure everybody that if any of us went into labor it was ok b/c the hospital was right next door.  And as they all laugh, looked at me b/c clearly if anybody was going to suddenly go into labor out of the group is was going to me.  I told then no fears, hospital is right there, bags are in the car, my husband is here with me....we're good to go!!  See...
Luckily that didn't happen, but it made us all feel a little better at the time.  So we waited out the storm at my doctor's office until it was just south of us and then Nick and I started our commute home (which is going North, btw).  It looked like a war zone...trees were down everywhere, branches, leaves, power lines, power was out throughout the drive was crazy.    Luckily when we got home our neighborhood was safe and sound.  The boys were a little freaked out, but they calmed down a bit once we got ready for bed.  It was a doozy of a storm, but all was well.  

So yeah, crazy stuff happening lately.  I can't really put into words how weird it is to know this is the last Friday I'll be pregnant, the last weekend we will have without a kid, the last chance we have together before our life is forever changed in this amazing way.  It's official that the countdown to the most amazing change in our life has officially begun!  We are so amazed and thankful for this gift and we can't wait to hold our little girl and welcome her to our family.