Thursday, February 13, 2014

Abby: Week 31

Week 31

...And just like that she becomes a pro at sitting up.  What a difference a week can make.  Every time I turn around she is doing something new and amazing.  Abby has moved up to the Infant B room and school and I think that is really helping her to develop more.  She loves being in the room with the other kids who are active and crawling around.  The more she watches them the more she picks things up.  I think she'll be crawling by next week.  She is pretty determined to start moving.  She wants to go, but is still putting it all together.  She can go get things that she wants, but it's still not at full speed.  That will change with time and then we'll wish she was back to just rolling over. :)  She really studies all of her toys now and tries to figure them out.  It's really interesting to watch.  I wonder what is going on in that little brain of hers. It probably goes something like this.....
"Well, this thing looks interesting...I wonder how it taste."

"Hhhmmmm....I could eat you."


Nana made this poncho/cape thing for me.  And guess who dropped it off???......


Uncle Kevin decided to come and visit me!  He picked a good time because I was ready to show off all the new things I've learned since I saw him last in Maine. (like crawling!)  We got a lot of great playing time in.

 Flying again!  Just watch out for my drool...I like to aim for your mouth or eyes. :)

"So Uncle, these are my rings and at the end is my fish.  You can play with the fish if you want.  It taste good, you should try it."

There probably would have been more photos of Uncle Kevin and I if I hadn't of gotten everybody sick.  I managed to get Daddy sick, Mommy sick and even left Uncle Kevin with a parting gift when he headed home.  So instead of more pictures with Uncle Kevin here is me and Mommy.  

"ok Mom, you can take the bow off now, they get it...I'm cute."

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