Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Abby: Week 26

Week 26

I met the Big Guy today.  I remembered seeing him in Maine, but this time I got to sit with him for a while.  

 He was so funny looking.  I kept pulling on his beard and he didn't seem to mind all that much.

I just couldn't stop looking at him!  There was just something about this guy.

Mommy and Daddy liked him too!

 Mommy decided that after we saw Santa she needed to keep taking photos of me.  This woman never stops...

...but hey, I'll pose if I have to.  Cheese!

...we tried some new food today....

not my favorite...

Lion's feet taste great by the way.

Hey Bear!

Mommy thought she would try a different approach to my weekly signs since I have decided that I now want to play with the paper each week.  Let's just say I can be just as destructive on the white board....see these numbers....now watch them disappear! 

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