Thursday, February 13, 2014

Abby: Week 34

Week 34

Somebody got a new bathtub this week!  We were starting to outgrow the whale tub we've had since day one.  Abby still fits in it, but she likes to be sitting up and she can't really do that all that well in the old tub so we got her an inflatable one and she loves it.  Much more room to play with all her toys. See....doesn't this look like fun?

Look, it's my cup!

This cup is SO much fun!

On top of getting a new tub this week, the boys got a new cat tree!  It was about time they had something a little higher.  With Abby racing all around and chasing them, they needed higher grounds to feel safe and still be in the same room with us.

The cats have been great with Abby.  Especially Willow.  He loves to be close by and keep an eye out on her and he'll occasionally come up and rub up against her.  He's even let her come nose to nose with him a few times before he runs away.  We've been working on petting the kitties "gently" and "not pulling".

Besides hanging out (aka chasing) they boys, Abby has been doing really great at school and at home.  She is getting faster and faster at crawling (keeping Mommy on her toes), eating really well and overall a pretty happy kid.

Lots of laughter when playing with Daddy.  He always tickles me!

Daddy's face is scruffy, but I like to play with it.

I'm going to eat your head Daddy!!


Daddy made us a fort!

Hey Bear, what you got there?

Abby: Week 33

Week 33

The wheels are turning in that little head of hers.  Every time we play on the floor there is such a level of concentration.  She has so much fun learning and figuring out what she can do with her toys.  Her favorite toys are the simple ones.  The cups, soft blocks and rings are a big hit.  Her turtle (which is part of a set of bath toys) has also become her favorite chew toy. Oh and the much drool.  I'm convinced she must have a couple of teeth coming, but she hasn't shown the signs you hear about.  You know, the screaming and pulling at the ears, running a fever, stuff like that.  She's not even in a bad mood.  I'm sure it'll come, but for now she's as happy as ever discovering and learning new things.

Week 33 brought a very interesting situation to Georgia.  We were hit with a fast moving snow/ice storm that came in during the middle of the workday causing everybody to leave and the same time and dropping LOTS of ice everywhere so it basically crippled the entire state for a few days.  Lucky for us, Daddy left his work just before the large wave of people got on the road so he was able to make his usual 45 minute commute home in only 2 hours.  Daddy also was able to get to Abby and get her home safely before the mayhem started.  Mommy on the other hand wasn't so lucky.  It took Mommy almost 8 hours to get home and it usually only takes her about 30 minutes.  Needless to say it wasn't very fun.  HOWEVER, given all that drama, it did leave us with some extra play time together and a snow day!!! (you heard me right, a snow day in's like a mythical unicorn, I know)  So what do you do when you are stuck at home on a snow day in Georgia??? Go sledding in the backyard in a laundry basket of course!!!  

After all that fun sledding Mommy brought me in to get warm and gave me a new toy to play with.  This bowl and spoon are amazing!!!

"Hey, who turned out the lights?"

"I can eat this too, right?"

Abby: Week 32

Week 32

Finally getting the whole family feeling better and she's officially on the move and loving every minute of it.  Her teachers tell me that she is all over the place in their room and she has a great time playing with all the other kids.  She is also trying new foods too.  Some she likes and some...not so much.  Right now her favorite foods are fruit (any really, but apples seem to be number one on the list) and sweet potatoes.  She'll eat carrots no problem, but the green stuff she is not to sure about.  Mommy started making her food and she does really well with it.  Plus, making baby food is a lot easier than I thought it would be (and saves a bunch of money, yay!)  I've figured out the basics, but Little Miss doesn't really like mommy's veggies all that much.  For now we'll still get the Gerber stuff so she is at least getting some.  

On the move is an understatement.  

With all the running around a break is needed every once in a while...

...because I need to play with my toes and get these stupid sock off!

I'll fight the sock another day because right now I need to get my toy.

Still eating all the things...

So a while back we bought this piano play mat for her and let me tell you, I thought way back it was a good investment, but I don't think I realized that months later she would still love it just as much!  Only now she sits up and plays the piano instead of kicking it with her feet laying down.  

Showing Daddy how to play

Hi Daddy, I love you!


...and another new way of playing with this is kicking the elephant, mirror and frog as hard as I can...

I'm also working on holding my bottle.  Sometimes I get too excited about it so Mommy has to hold it for me, but I can do it when I feel like it.