Sunday, October 27, 2013

4 Months The Numbers Are In!

Little Miss is growing up fast! She had her 4 month wellness checkup and the numbers are in!!! She now weighs 14.5 lbs, measures 25 inches long and is finally closer to the average 4 month old percentages. She is tall for her age, but still the doctors say she looks great and "keep doing what you are doing". So we will. We'll keep loving her everyday and playing with her and showing her new things. This has been the most amazing life change ever and I couldn't imagine my life any other way. 

Looking back on the photos from when Abby was first born it's now I realize how little and cute she was.  She's obviously still adorable (I'm Mommy, of course I'm going to say she's adorable), but it just reminds me of how small she was.  She is amazing.  Her growth and development amazing me everyday.  I am LOVING the interactions at this age.  Her expressions, her laughter, conversations galore!  It's been an amazing 4 months, but it seems like its been so much longer.  I've heard the expression that you can't imagine your life without your kids and its kinda true.  I remember what Nick and I used to do pre-kid, but now I'm so much happier doing the things we do now that we have Abby.  I don't miss too much of our old activities because there is just so much joy in doing new things with Abby. 

Happy 4 Months baby girl!!!  Mommy loves you!

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