Week 17
My baby girl is getting big! She is a little piggy. This week she has really started to show her growth.
She has moved on to the faster flow nipples for her bottles and she is eating more at each feeding. Her
school had to give us the tip that we could start sending more food b/c she was getting mad when her
bottle was finished and she still wasn't full. She’s now up to 5 oz bottles three to four times a day. I’m
hoping that is not too much. I've read that bigger babies eat more anyway, but I want to make sure she
stays healthy and doesn't over eat. Piggy Piggy!! Her 4 month check up is next week so I’ll have to see what the doctor says.
Speaking of her eating….Mommy is feeling depressed lately. I’ve been pretty successful in feeding her
almost entirely breast milk since she was born, but with this increase in appetite, Mommy can’t quite
keep up enough in the milk producing department. I thought that I would just continue to make more
and more milk as she drank more, but I guess I don’t work that way. I’m not sure if it’s normal or what,
but the idea of not being able to feed her only breast milk and having to now start supplementing
formula is weighing a little on me. I almost feel like I’m doing something wrong. Aren't there Mommies
out there that breast feed their kids until they are a year old or something? How do they do it?
Side note, we have to fix Miss Monkey’s head. Miss Monkey has almost become decapitated so
Mommy needs to sew her back together. Excessive chewing has caused the stitching to let loose.
Miss Monkey all fixed!
We had a community yard sale on Saturday and Abby got to spend pretty much half the day
outside getting some fresh air! I think she like saying hi to all the people that came by. She sat in our
laps, played in her highchair just inside the garage to keep in the shade and the big event was seeing
the fire truck!! About halfway through the sale a big fire truck drove by and they waved at Abby. They parked the truck just down from our house so Abby, Mommy and Daddy went to go
check it out! As we were looking at the truck, one of the firemen came over to say hi and show Abby
the truck. He opened the driver’s side door and let her sit in the driver’s seat! Of course Mommy and
Daddy had to let this be the ONE time we have ever left our phones back at the house so we didn’t
get a picture. Boo..:( It’s ok. We plan on continuing our Christmas tradition of making cookies for the
firemen on Christmas day and delivering them so I’m sure we can get some pictures then. However,
Abby did get a sweet fire hat!! Mommy was so proud. As soon as we got back to the house Mommy
had Daddy take a picture do we could send it to Grandpa! He’d be proud of his little granddaughter
with her first fire hat. Mommy is thinking we might need to take a trip to Grandpa’s fire house when we
head back to Maine next month.
Hanging out with Mommy at the yard sale
My sweet fireman's hat!!
Keeping our of the sun during the yard sale
The weekend was full of fun playing with Mommy and Daddy. Abby is really starting to get good at reaching out for objects and grasping them. Then they promptly go into her mouth. She is still drooling like crazy. We are just waiting for a tooth to start pushing through. Knowing Mommy’s luck, it’s going to start happening just as we are coming home on the plane. I can see it now, screaming baby for three hours stuck on a plane with no place to go and everybody hating you….sigh…(can you tell Mommy is getting anxious about the flight home?)
Abby is also still working on that whole rolling over thing. She likes to get up onto her side and then
just sit there and talk to you. She can do it with a little help. She’s getting the hang of throwing her leg
over, but it’s still the shoulders that get in the way. She’ll get it when she is ready. In the meantime
she is talking up a storm. She love to have “conversations” with Mommy and Daddy in the afternoons.
She tells us all about her day. Mommy did a little experiment this week and recorded Abby talking to
her picture on Mommy’s phone. Abby loves to giggle and yell at the baby in the mirror. We stand in
Mommy and Daddy’s bathroom with the big mirrors and she just loves smiling, laughing and “talking” to
the baby. It’s fun to watch her. I’m excited for the day she realizes that it herself she is seeing.
Developmentally she is doing well. She seems to be right on track with where she “should” be. I’m
more concerned with playing with her, loving her and just spending time with her. I figure she’ll reach
these milestones when she is ready. Until then, Mommy and Daddy will just continue to give her the
environment to learn, grown and have fun.
Just call me Mozart!
Sporting my new Pats jersey!