Friday, May 17, 2013

35 Weeks

We've officially hit 35 weeks and I'm beginning to feel bits of "is this over yet?" Mostly at night when I can't seem to get comfortable.  I can't really complain, I've had a great pregnancy.  No morning sickness in the first trimester, plenty of energy in the second trimester and the third hasn't been bad.  I think it's just a combination of being so excited to meet Abby and wanting to go back to being able to do simple things, like picking up whatever I've just dropped on the floor without it being an ordeal.  :)  This has been the first week that I've had to take my rings off.  I've been finding my hands are slightly swollen, but not all day.  Mostly at night so I've been sleeping without my rings.  My feet and ankles haven't been too bad, but I'm keeping my feet up at night just to be sure.  I'm really doing everything I can possibly think of to make sure I stay at work as long as possible!  Plus, Abby can not come before Nana Rose gets here on the 17th so we're working towards keeping her comfortable until then. 

This past week my co-workers threw me my final baby shower!  It was very sweet of them.  They decorated one of the conference rooms and everybody brought food.  One of my co-workers even made a delicious cake from scratch!  It was so good!  She sent about 1/4 of the cake home with me (which isn't really helping with the whole "be aware of what you are eating from now until the end b/c you've reached the weight gain we'd like to see you at" speech I got from my doctor at the last visit.)  Opps!  Oh well, what's a couple pieces of cake, right?  ;)  We got a lot of the last few things we needed which is great.  We also received a gift card which will help us to make sure we have everything!  I can't believe it's only 5 weeks away.

Another thing this week is I've been trying to promote the 50/50 Birthday Pool Grampie Stults set up for Miss Abby.  It's a $5 entry and 1/2 goes to the winner and the other 1/2 goes to Abby's college fund.  It's been fun to see when people think Miss Abby is going to make her arrival and how big she is going to be.

Overall, it's been a good week (minus getting up at 3 am every morning, but I suppose I should get used to that.)  I'm looking forward to next week's doctor's appointment.  I'll get a better idea of how she is positioned, even thought I already kinda know she is head down at this point.  She is very fond of punching my bladder these days. I'm wondering if they'll be able to give me an estimate of how big she is.  After that it's doctor's appointments every week until the big day!  This is such an incredible journey to be on.  I'm really trying to enjoy every day knowing that soon it'll be over and the next part of the journey will begin.  (and hopefully I'll get my body back! ha ha!!)  Abby is dancing around right now, I think she's laughing at that thought.  She knows as well as I do that from here on out, it's going to be all about her. ;)  And you know...I'm totally OK with that. :)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know u had a blog!!! Yaaaaay!! You look great! Can't wait to catch up on reading, probably during another sleepless night to come :)
