Friday, May 10, 2013

34 Weeks

Abby and I have now reached 34 weeks!  It's hard to believe we only have 6 weeks to go.  Seems like yesterday I peed on that stick and when I saw the word "pregnant" appear I jumped on the bed to wake Nick up and tell him our great news.  I'm always telling people that Abby is an active little girl.  We had our Dr. appointment today and everything is right where it should be.  She is measuring at 34 weeks, heartbeat is a strong 144, my blood pressure is normal (which is a miracle given how crazy work is these days) and my weight gain is about 28 lbs total so far.  I was told to "be aware" of my weight gain from here on out because she would be gaining a 1/2 to 1 lbs each week.  I'm not quite sure where she is going to fit.  Things already seem to be a little cozy in there. 

I happened to experience some BH contractions this week.  It was the first time they came consistently every hour.  It had me a bit worried as I hadn't really experienced them that much until now.  My Dr. reassured me though that I'm well within the normal range and as long as it went away with rest and water (which it did) I was fine.  I think I needed to hear that b/c I've been worried lately that I won't make it to her due date.  Normally I wouldn't mind, but I absolutely have to make it until May 30th in order for my short term disability to kick in during my maternity leave (which I need in order to get paid) and I would really prefer if she would wait until Nana Rose gets here on the 17th so I'll have another coach with me (one that's been through this a time or two). 

Overall we are really excited for her arrival, but want her to wait until June.  Let's hope she listens to her mom and dad about that one.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Already tearing up reading these :) you'll do great in delivery, don't worry about that, but it will be good to have nana rose there. Hang out a little while longer, abby!
