Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Abby: Week 22 AKA 5 Months Old!!

22 Weeks

This week definitely was a test in Mommy and Daddy's patience, but by the end of the week everything was made awesome.  Abby was still dealing with fighting off a tough cold and up most nights, but with Mommy and Daddy working together we managed to help her sleep a bit more which in turn helped us sleep better too.  We ended up back at the Doctor's office because Abby's school was concerned with her cough and wondered if it could possibly be Croup and then the next day they let us know they had a confirmed case of RSV (which is a respiratory virus) so in an abundance of caution since Abby still had this lingering cough and stuffy nose the Doctor felt they wanted to check her ears to make sure she didn't have an ear infection.  Luckily she's was good.  Doctor said her ears looked amazing and she just needed a few more days to get over this pesky cold.  By the end of the week she was starting to feel better and sleeping better at night which everybody needed.

We started eating some rice cereal this week.  I'm so pleasantly surprised at how well Abby did with eating from a spoon.  Figures my piggy pants would be great at eating with a spoon.  LOL! She not only did well with the spoon she actually liked the cereal too.  Our next step is to start slowly introducing some foods in with the cereal.  It's going to be fun to see what Abby likes and doesn't like.  

Soooo.....on to the way more exciting news!  Little Miss Pants rolled over this week!!!  She had previously rolled from her belly to her back, but she still couldn't quite get past her shoulder going from her back to her belly.  This week it finally clicked for her and now she has become quiet the little pro.  Changing diapers is now exciting because all she wants to do is roll over.  It's a challenge to get a diaper on her and fastened while she is trying to flip over.  :)

She even showed Nana and Uncle Kevin how she can roll over during our weekly Skype session on Sunday morning.  We only have 9 days left until we head to Maine for Abby's first visit!!  We are so excited!!

And of course we can't forget that Little Miss Pants is officially 5 months old today!  She amazes me everyday.  Not only is she rolling over, she is getting so much better at sitting up, reaching for toys, grasping things, and she is showing so much concentration.  She is growing and learning new things which is going to make this a great time to fly home and meet the rest of the family.  She is going to have so much fun playing with them and I know they will have so much fun playing with her.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Abby: Week 21

21 Weeks

This week was filled with a sick baby not sleeping and a VERY tired Mommy and Daddy.  Abby seemed to acquire a pretty intense cold this week and as a result had a very hard time sleeping at night.  She was pretty much up every hour and a half and not always hungry...just unable to sleep.  We did the best to try to help her, but there wasn't a whole lot we could do.  Her cough just kept waking her up.  We made a trip to the doctor's office and was happy to hear that it did not move into her chest and was just a pretty bad head cold.  With that we just had to tough it out...all of us.  

Even tough Abby was sick she was still in a pretty good mood.  Daddy and I feel pretty lucky that we have a kid that is so happy when she is sick.  We hope it stays that way as she gets older.  

So we don't have much to report this week since most of it was spent just trying to make the little one feel better.  Next week should be better. :)

I may be sick, but I'm still pretty cute....what do you think??

Abby: Week 20 Out of the Teens and into the 20's YIKES!

Week 20

My little girl is in her 20s now!!!  HOLY CRAP!!!  Ok, so it's still only 20 weeks, but still the idea of my baby getting bigger and bigger is just crazy.  This week we had our first dreaded, one of many more to come....COLDS.  BLECH.  Poor little Abby was a trouper though.  Nick and I agree that if she is always this happy when she is sick we're are super lucky parents.  Despite the fact that she was so stuffed up she could barely breathe when eating and her cough hurt my feelings, she was in a great mood.  It has taken pretty much the entire week to kick the cough and we are still dealing with a bit of a stuffy nose, but not nearly as bad as it was.

Even with a cold managed to have a great week!  It was spirit week at school leading up to Halloween!!! Each day was a different theme.

Monday: Jersey Day
Abby was sporting her Pats jersey....obviously.

Tuesday: Crazy Day
Mix and not so Matched outfit... :)

Wednesday: Black and Orange day
"Don't scare me because I poop easily..."  This outfit was a hit with all the teachers. 

Thursday: Not so scary costume day
The princess fairy would have been a bit much for the whole day so we went with a more sensible approach with Bat Girl!

On Wednesday we hung out and carved Abby's first Pumpkin for Halloween.  After a quick nap with her ball...

...we were ready to carve our pumpkin!  Due to the fact little one has a short attention span we stuck to a basic design....good old standard jack 'o lantern face.

Helping Mommy carve the pumpkin

Happy Halloween!!

getting ready for the trick or treating!

Hanging with Daddy waiting for the kids

It's my pumpkin!!!

Playing in my saucer.  I'm really starting to enjoy it more and more.


Wearing Daddy's Samuel Adams hat.  Yup, still love the Northeast!

Resting with Daddy. <3

Monday, November 4, 2013

Abby: Week 19 Sleep....what's sleep?

Week 19

Feeling this week like I've got a newborn again.....walking into walls I'm so tired.  Miss Pants is going through a phase right now.  A phase of "Mommy is never going to sleep again".  OK, that was probably a little dramatic, but when you are this tired, it seems like the truth.  Miss Pants' schedule has been all over the place this week with her naps at school and when she is eating so by the time she gets home we never know what to expect.  Every night has been different, but for most of them, the one thing that has remained constant is her lack of sleeping through the night. 
I remember when she was about two months old and she slept throught he night for a couple nights in a row and I thought "this is amazing!  My baby is sleeping through the night already, I'm the luckiest parent in the world!"  Well that was short lived.  Little Miss has been falling asleep for a little nap before bedtime.  She gets up to eat before bed, but is so tired that she doesn't eat until she's full, she eats until she falls back asleep.  She gets put to bed, but then two hours later her tummy wakes her up because she is hungry so I feed her.  And again, she doesn't eat until she is full because again, she is so sleepy.  This cycle seems to continue until Mommy has to get up and get ready for work.  No beuno little girl.  We are not ready to start cerel or solids, but we are trying to make sure she gets a good meal before bed.  When she actually drinks well, she sleeps!  Imagine that.  At least two nights this week she ate good and slept from 8:30 until 3:30.  I'll take it!  Mommy can't wait for this phase to pass.  I'm sure though as this one passes another will be soon to follow throwing Mommy for a loop all over again. 
Mommy, Daddy and Abby had a little adventure this week!  We went to Food Truck Ally on Thursday night to check it out.  We saw our friends Doug, Missy and Brayden there.  We walked all around, checking out the trucks, getting some good food and listening to the music.  Abby even got to dance with Daddy for a bit. :)  It was a good time and something new and fun to do. 

On Saturday Abby's school had a Halloween party so we decided to go to that. Abby loved seeing her teachers even on a Saturday!  She got to dress up in her fairy princess costume and show it off at school.  She got to see some horses and we did some crafts!!

Mommy's little fairy princess!

I love Ms. Mary!!

On Sunday we went to the Berry Farm Pumpkin Patch!!  Abby got to see more animals, go on a hayride and picked out her very own pumpkin!  We had lots of fun together as a family!! It was a great weekend!!

Some fun play time with Mommy!!  This was a great weekend!  I hope we have lots more just like it!

Standing up like a big girl

Playing with my toes is one of my favorite things to do lately

Reaching for my toys

 Willow lets me pet him all the time now.  I think he really loves me!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

4 Months The Numbers Are In!

Little Miss is growing up fast! She had her 4 month wellness checkup and the numbers are in!!! She now weighs 14.5 lbs, measures 25 inches long and is finally closer to the average 4 month old percentages. She is tall for her age, but still the doctors say she looks great and "keep doing what you are doing". So we will. We'll keep loving her everyday and playing with her and showing her new things. This has been the most amazing life change ever and I couldn't imagine my life any other way. 

Looking back on the photos from when Abby was first born it's now I realize how little and cute she was.  She's obviously still adorable (I'm Mommy, of course I'm going to say she's adorable), but it just reminds me of how small she was.  She is amazing.  Her growth and development amazing me everyday.  I am LOVING the interactions at this age.  Her expressions, her laughter, conversations galore!  It's been an amazing 4 months, but it seems like its been so much longer.  I've heard the expression that you can't imagine your life without your kids and its kinda true.  I remember what Nick and I used to do pre-kid, but now I'm so much happier doing the things we do now that we have Abby.  I don't miss too much of our old activities because there is just so much joy in doing new things with Abby. 

Happy 4 Months baby girl!!!  Mommy loves you!