Sunday, November 17, 2013

Abby: Week 20 Out of the Teens and into the 20's YIKES!

Week 20

My little girl is in her 20s now!!!  HOLY CRAP!!!  Ok, so it's still only 20 weeks, but still the idea of my baby getting bigger and bigger is just crazy.  This week we had our first dreaded, one of many more to come....COLDS.  BLECH.  Poor little Abby was a trouper though.  Nick and I agree that if she is always this happy when she is sick we're are super lucky parents.  Despite the fact that she was so stuffed up she could barely breathe when eating and her cough hurt my feelings, she was in a great mood.  It has taken pretty much the entire week to kick the cough and we are still dealing with a bit of a stuffy nose, but not nearly as bad as it was.

Even with a cold managed to have a great week!  It was spirit week at school leading up to Halloween!!! Each day was a different theme.

Monday: Jersey Day
Abby was sporting her Pats jersey....obviously.

Tuesday: Crazy Day
Mix and not so Matched outfit... :)

Wednesday: Black and Orange day
"Don't scare me because I poop easily..."  This outfit was a hit with all the teachers. 

Thursday: Not so scary costume day
The princess fairy would have been a bit much for the whole day so we went with a more sensible approach with Bat Girl!

On Wednesday we hung out and carved Abby's first Pumpkin for Halloween.  After a quick nap with her ball...

...we were ready to carve our pumpkin!  Due to the fact little one has a short attention span we stuck to a basic design....good old standard jack 'o lantern face.

Helping Mommy carve the pumpkin

Happy Halloween!!

getting ready for the trick or treating!

Hanging with Daddy waiting for the kids

It's my pumpkin!!!

Playing in my saucer.  I'm really starting to enjoy it more and more.


Wearing Daddy's Samuel Adams hat.  Yup, still love the Northeast!

Resting with Daddy. <3

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