24 Weeks
Meeting Nanny Veinot for the first time!
She gave me lots of kisses and snuggles
We had fun playing on the floor together.
Meeting my Great Grandmother on Daddy's side for the first time!
My Great Aunt Cinde and my cousins, Bailey and Maddison, came to see me too!!
I got to meet all three of my Great Aunts on Daddy's side. I really liked all of them. They are lots of fun!
Hanging out with Great Grammie Mason at Grampy's house on Thanksgiving Day.
I met my Uncle Chris for the first time. He has an awesome beard! It's even bigger than Daddy's!
Snoozing in the Parker crib. This crib has been in our family (and used) for 7 generations!!
Thanks Grampy, I was starving!
My cousin Bailey is so silly! She took the whole turkey leg! :)
Sitting with Grampy at the Thanksgiving table.
In deep conversation with Auntie Sherri
I love my Auntie Sherri!! She just really gets me, you know. ;)
This is my Grampie Veinot. I sure do love him.
COUSINS!!! Maddison, Me, and Bailey
This is my Great Grandmother's Sister Aunt Glenna.
My Uncle Joel was funny, he was so nervous when Mommy handed me off so I gave him a big smile to let him know he was doing great.
I love my Grammy SOOOO much! BIG KISSES!
I got to meet both Emma and Grace. They gave me kisses and let me pet them a lot.
Snuggle time with Grammy
My Uncle Trevor has some crazy hair! He was fun...
...and a good snuggler.
That's Great Grammy's dog, Dolly. I think she was jealous I got to spend so much time with Great Grammy.
This is how you play with dogs, right?
Reunited with NANA & PAPA!!
Uncle Ryan always makes me laugh
Yup, we're definitely family, we even make the same faces.
Say what Uncle Kevin?
This is a new way to take a bath, but I like it.
So Mommy tells me we picked out the perfect Christmas tree. I was more interested in sleeping to be honest.
...and then there was this guy...
I got to meet my Great Uncle Rory!
This is my cousin Joey....I could snuggle with him all day.
Speaking of snuggling...lights out.
ooohhhhh pretty lights
Mommy and Daddy took me out on the town to meet more people. Clearly I needed to show off my skills of playing with my toes.
These are Mommy and Daddy's Maine Friends...they all seemed pretty nice, but I'm not sure about the one with the beard... ;)
MMuuuaaahhh thanks for the night out Mom!
I was pooped from my big night out.
We decided to have Christmas Morning at Nana & Papa's house since everybody was home for the holidays. I dressed up in my Christmas outfit. :)
More toys, Thanks Nana & Papa
This was when we all surprised Nana & Papa with their BIG gift!! I wrote a poem with Mommy's help that let them now we all chipped in and bought them tickets to come to Georgia to visit me!! I can't wait!
So then this white cold stuff was falling from the sky....not quite sure about that.
This is Dieago (aka Simba)...he felt it was finally safe to check me out while I was napping.
My Great Aunt Donna and Great Uncle David came to meet me too!
It was a very busy week. I got to meet so many new family members and I had so much fun! I can't wait to come back to visit, but right now I need to nap.
Meeting Nanny Veinot for the first time!
She gave me lots of kisses and snuggles
We had fun playing on the floor together.
Meeting my Great Grandmother on Daddy's side for the first time!
My Great Aunt Cinde and my cousins, Bailey and Maddison, came to see me too!!
I got to meet all three of my Great Aunts on Daddy's side. I really liked all of them. They are lots of fun!
Hanging out with Great Grammie Mason at Grampy's house on Thanksgiving Day.
I met my Uncle Chris for the first time. He has an awesome beard! It's even bigger than Daddy's!
Snoozing in the Parker crib. This crib has been in our family (and used) for 7 generations!!
Thanks Grampy, I was starving!
My cousin Bailey is so silly! She took the whole turkey leg! :)
Sitting with Grampy at the Thanksgiving table.
In deep conversation with Auntie Sherri
I love my Auntie Sherri!! She just really gets me, you know. ;)
This is my Grampie Veinot. I sure do love him.
COUSINS!!! Maddison, Me, and Bailey
This is my Great Grandmother's Sister Aunt Glenna.
My Uncle Joel was funny, he was so nervous when Mommy handed me off so I gave him a big smile to let him know he was doing great.
I love my Grammy SOOOO much! BIG KISSES!
I got to meet both Emma and Grace. They gave me kisses and let me pet them a lot.
Snuggle time with Grammy
My Uncle Trevor has some crazy hair! He was fun...
...and a good snuggler.
That's Great Grammy's dog, Dolly. I think she was jealous I got to spend so much time with Great Grammy.
This is how you play with dogs, right?
Reunited with NANA & PAPA!!
Uncle Ryan always makes me laugh
Yup, we're definitely family, we even make the same faces.
Say what Uncle Kevin?
...and then there was this guy...
This is my cousin Joey....I could snuggle with him all day.
ooohhhhh pretty lights
These are Mommy and Daddy's Maine Friends...they all seemed pretty nice, but I'm not sure about the one with the beard... ;)
MMuuuaaahhh thanks for the night out Mom!
I was pooped from my big night out.
We decided to have Christmas Morning at Nana & Papa's house since everybody was home for the holidays. I dressed up in my Christmas outfit. :)
More toys, Thanks Nana & Papa
My Great Aunt Donna and Great Uncle David came to meet me too!
It was a very busy week. I got to meet so many new family members and I had so much fun! I can't wait to come back to visit, but right now I need to nap.